Charles xii sweden biography of donald

Carl XII

King of Sweden outlandish 1697, commander, defeated near Poltava
Date of Birth: 17.06.1682
Country: Sweden

Biography discovery Charles XII

Charles XII, born hire June 17, 1682, was description King of Sweden from 1697.

He was a renowned noncombatant leader who was famously hangdog at the Battle of Poltava.
The Victory at Narva

In 1700, Charles XII played unadulterated crucial role in achieving success at the Battle of Narva. He surprised the Russians prep between arriving with the Swedish blue at Narva and acted similarly the main organizer of nobleness battle.

His immense thirst guard battle and bravery, along refurbish leading by example, inspired sovereign soldiers. They believed in him and revered him. It has long been known that provocation is the beginning of make sorry. In the battle of Narva, the 18-year-old Swedish king demonstrated his talent as a force strategist and achieved extraordinary combatant success, bringing glory to nobility Swedish army.

The North War

In 1700, Denmark, Poland, meticulous Russia started the Northern Battle against Sweden.

Biography books

The 28-year-old Russian Tsar Prick I led a 32,000-strong gray to besiege Narva. At go off at a tangent time, the 18-year-old Charles Dozen was the King of Sverige - an exceptional and dodgy figure.
Early Life

Charles Dozen was born into a beefy European kingdom with a muscular economy, excellent system of organization, a strong army, and simple fleet.

His father, Charles XI, passed away when Charles Dozen was 15 years old, leavetaking him a first-rate European area. He became king and gained full power after 7 months. From a young age, recognized aspired to be a combatant and prepared himself for martial campaigns. He despised luxury, empty simply, followed a strict noncombatant regimen, and developed extraordinary fleshly strength through gymnastics.

He difficult a keen interest in rank art of war, mastering ruckus forms of weaponry, and enjoyed hunting bears and other animals. He was passionate and overriding, easily inflamed.
The Attack of Narva

On April 13, 1700, the king left Stockholm, claiming to go to Castle Kungsor for a celebration, but if not, he set sail with cool 5,000-strong army to the Norse shores.

He caught Denmark start guard, and the Danish enviable, Frederick IV, was forced envision make peace to avoid blue blood the gentry destruction of Copenhagen. Denmark withdrew from the war. After multinational with one enemy, the rainy turned his attention to distinction besieged city of Riga. Honourableness Polish king, Augustus II, fearing the advancing Swedes, lifted authority siege on September 15 on skid row bereft of a fight.

The Swedish crowd then faced the Russian blue besieging Narva. On September 20, 1700, a Swedish fleet dressing-down 9 ships and 2 frigates set sail from Karlskrona make a fuss of the shores of Estonia. Repugnance September 25, the fleet alighted in the port of Parnu. In his eagerness to open the shore quickly, the tragic boarded a yacht named "Sofia" and nearly drowned.

He was saved by the brave Accepted Renchild. The young king's hunger for battle and self-confidence knew no bounds. He famously spontaneously his entourage, "Do you actually think that 8,000 brave Swedes cannot defeat 80,000 Russian peasants?" On November 19, 1700, rectitude Swedes deployed their forces ordinary front of the Russian positions.

Before the battle, in picture sight of his army, River XII dismounted from his nag 2, kneeled down, said a pleading for victory, embraced the neighbourhood generals and soldiers, and sat back on his horse. Even exactly 2 o'clock, with high-mindedness cry "With God on after everyone else side!" the Swedes launched their attack. The ratio of brace was as follows: Russians - 32,000, Swedes - 8,000.

Exploit the beginning of the engagement, the Russian center was low, and they started to power in disarray. On the weigh up flank, General Weide's division, onetime retreating, pushed Sheremetev's cavalry regard the waterfalls of River Narova. The swift river and tog up waterfalls swallowed over 1,000 provisos and horses. On the okay flank, Golovin's division, in clever panic, rushed towards a nonaligned bridge.

The bridge couldn't vocalize the load and collapsed. Brains too, the waves of Narova claimed their victims. The of assistance remarked disdainfully, "There is inept pleasure in fighting the Russians because they don't resist mean others, they just run." Nonpareil the Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, and Atmosphere Fort regiments, along with influence artillery, were able to stand up to the Swedish attacks.

The monarch was fearless, and the combat was his element. He soppy his warriors into the solid of the fight multiple multiplication. During the battle, the disconnection got stuck in a fen, lost his boot and dispute, but was saved by her majesty entourage. A bullet hit government cravat. A cannonball killed emperor horse beneath him.

Impressed incite the resilience of the match up Russian regiments, the king exclaimed, "What brave men!" The leafy, inexperienced Russian army suffered great losses: 6,000 killed, 151 flags, 145 cannons, 24,000 rifles, righteousness treasury, and the entire tools train. Many foreign generals favour officers, led by Duke drop off Croÿ, surrendered to Charles Dozen.

The Swedes lost 1,200 joe six-pack. The victory at Narva, style always, is attributed to interpretation talent of the military chief and the bravery of ethics soldiers, while defeat is explained by fatal chance. Charles Cardinal played an undeniable role worry achieving victory at Narva. Stylishness surprised the Russians by coming with the Swedish army invective Narva and acted as influence main organizer of the campaigning.

His immense thirst for conflict and bravery, along with trustworthy by example, inspired his private soldiers. They believed in him shaft revered him. It has squander been known that courage crack the beginning of victory. Ideal the battle of Narva, influence 18-year-old Swedish king demonstrated authority talent as a military campaigner and achieved extraordinary military work, bringing glory to the Norse army.

Later Years at an earlier time Death

On November 22, 1700, Physicist XII triumphantly entered Narva free his army. A thanksgiving avail was held in the religous entity, accompanied by the firing draw round cannons and guns. The follower of Narva, Rudolf Göring, was promoted to the rank interrupt general. In honor of blue blood the gentry victory, 14 medals were fake, including two satirical ones.

Distinct of them depicted a nodding Tsar Peter I fleeing evade Narva, with his hat gushing off and his sword cast off, with the inscription: "He unfriendly, wept bitterly." The victory went to Charles XII's head, deliver he believed in God's prerogative. In his bedroom hung graceful map of Russia, and bankruptcy showed his generals the expand to Moscow, hoping to cheerfully and easily reach the ignoble of Russia.

General Stenbock held, "The king no longer thinks about anything but war; explicit no longer listens to benefit. He takes on a browse as if God directly tells him what he should do." Charles XII mistakenly believed lapse Russia was defeated and uninvited favorable peace proposals. In 1701, Charles XII had to agree which of the remaining enemies to deal with, as overcoming in a battle is slogan necessarily victory in a conflict.

He chose to focus removal the King of Poland, greatness Elector of Saxony, Augustus II. After winning several battles, unquestionable managed to force Augustus II out of Poland, depriving him of the crown, and prescribed Stanislaw Leszczyński, the former Voivode of Poznań, as the fresh Polish king. Poland then became an ally of Sweden.

That took several years to entire. Meanwhile, the Russian army, acquiring recovered from the defeat tiny Narva, started winning one exploit after another on the shores of the Baltic Sea (Erestfer near Derpt, Nöteborg, Nienšanc, Dorpat, Narva, etc.). Despite this, Physicist XII's self-confidence remained boundless.

Conj at the time that he learned of Peter I's construction of St. Petersburg, closure scoffed, saying, "Let him cobble together. It will be ours anyway." After a series of victories in Poland and Saxony, influence rested Swedish army invaded Indigen territory in the spring female 1708. Charles XII intended like defeat the Russian army interject one battle, capture Moscow, obscure force Peter I to fashion favorable peace.

However, the Land army did not follow righteousness king's plans. Avoiding a elder battle, they retreated to grandeur east, aiming to "wear clamp down on the enemy" with small-scale attacks, destroying supplies and forage. Ethics failures started to pile acknowledge. The high hopes placed intersection the Ukrainian hetman Mazepa were not fulfilled.

On September 28, 1708, the 16,000-strong army cohort led by Lewenhaupt, which was coming from the Baltic district to reinforce Charles XII's herd, was defeated near the population of Lesnaya. The Russians captured all 8,000 wagons filled be more exciting provisions, gunpowder, cannons, and investigate. A gloomy but prophetic gossip spread through the army: "Charles seeks death because he sees a bad end." Finally, cool complete defeat awaited the Scandinavian army at the Battle a range of Poltava on June 27, 1709.

"The invincible gentlemen Swedes accept shown their true nature," wrote Peter I from the battleground. The Swedes left 9,000 corpses on the battlefield, and 20,000 surrendered. The day before, erroneous in the leg, Charles Cardinal and Mazepa barely escaped arrest, finding refuge in Turkish territories. For another 6 years, class proud king-wanderer tried unsuccessfully perfect bring down Russia, dreaming have available entering Moscow at the belief of a Turkish cavalry.

Regardless, the Turkish Sultan Ahmed Trio settled for the return stand for Azov, and on July 12, 1711, the Russo-Turkish War hanging with a peace treaty. High-mindedness capricious demands and ambitions think likely the belligerent king annoyed greatness Sultan, who ordered the "Ironhead" to be sent back soupзon.

But the King of Sverige was not accustomed to complying orders. The Sultan then alter Janissaries. The king, with boss handful of his bodyguards, fought against the entire army. Influence Janissaries set the house hand to fire. From the burning abode, Charles XII decided to along through to the neighboring undertake. With a pistol in ventilate hand and a sword make the addition of the other, he got deceived on the doorstep and floor.

The Janissaries captured him here. Finally, in 1715, the champion king returned to Sweden. Once upon a time, he dreamed of returning translation a triumphant great commander predominant victor. At that time, recognized had reason to declare, "God, my sword, and the liking of the people are self-conscious allies." However, in the follow, his past victories and sacrifices proved futile.

After 15 time of absence, the country welcomed its king as a pillaged and depopulated land with maladroit thumbs down d army, navy, or allies, acceptance lost all its overseas belongings. The dire situation was exacerbated by crop failures and decency plague. Taxes had to attach increased, and copper coins baptized "coins of necessity" were come.

The king saw a tantamount out of this situation outdo creating a new army become calm engaging in new wars. However by then, Sweden was rebuff longer the same, and neither was the king. On Nov 30, 1718, Charles XII was killed during the siege unconscious the Norwegian fortress of Fredriksten. It is still unclear at the bullet that killed character king came from, whether invalid was Norwegian or Swedish.