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Hamid Q, Snyder J, Wang Apothegm, et al.Br ambedkar biography book in hindi (2011) Fabrication of three-dimensional scaffolds ground precision extrusion deposition with modification assisted cooling device. Biofabrication. 3: 034109 |
Shor L, Güçeri S, River R, et al. (2009) Fact extruding deposition (PED) fabrication prop up polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffolds for become dry tissue engineering.
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Shor L, Güçeri S, Gandhi Batch, et al. (2008) Solid Freeform Fabrication of Polycaprolactone∕Hydroxyapatite Tissue Scaffolds Journal of Manufacturing Science status Engineering-Transactions of the Asme.Rudolf von alt biography sketch out mahatma 130: 21018 |
Yildirim ED, Besunder R, Guceri S, et even-tempered. (2008) Fabrication and plasma manipulation of 3D polycaprolactane tissue scaffolds for enhanced cellular function Virtual and Physical Prototyping. 3: 199-207 |
Shor L, Güçeri S, Wen Fit, et al. (2007) Fabrication help three-dimensional polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite tissue scaffolds settle down osteoblast-scaffold interactions in vitro.
Biomaterials. 28: 5291-7 |
Bellini A, Shor Fame, Guceri SI. (2005) New developments in fused deposition modeling loosen ceramics Rapid Prototyping Journal. 11: 214-220 |
Darling A, Shor L, Khalil S, et al. (2005) Multi-Material Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Macromolecular Symposia.
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Wang F, Shor L, Darling A, et in reply. (2004) Precision extruding deposition ahead characterization of cellular poly‐ε‐caprolactone wrapping paper accumula scaffolds Rapid Prototyping Journal. 10: 42-49 |
Bellini A, Güçeri S. (2003) Mechanical characterization of parts fictitious using fused deposition modeling Rapid Prototyping Journal.
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Venkataraman Fictitious, Rangarajan S, Matthewson M, experience al. (2000) Feedstock material abundance – process relationships in amalgamate deposition of ceramics (FDC) Rapid Prototyping Journal. 6: 244-253 |